Missa Sicut Cervus Recording Challenge!

Many of you have heard the recording of Mark Emerson Donnelly’s mass based on Palestrina’s most beloved motet “Sicut Cervus” and sung by the Benedictine Sisters of Mary (Gower, MO) on their album The Holy Trinity at Ephesus (2023).

In honor of the 500th anniversary of the birth of the greatest Renaissance master, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594), your vocal ensemble has the opportunity to carry on his legacy in a special way by being the first mixed voice (SATB) choir to record the Missa Sicut Cervus!

WHAT is this challenge?

This is an invitation for choirs to
1. Prepare & record the “Kyrie” from Mark Emerson Donnelly’s Missa Sicut Cervus
2. Submit their video (or mp3) recording to missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org by April 14th.
During this time, we will provide the “Kyrie” score free of charge upon request! Email missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org to request the score.
Even if you decide not to participate in this recording opportunity, we would still love to hear your ensemble’s recording of the “Kyrie”! Get the score during this time and send us a recording!

As our gift, you may also perform the Missa Sicut Cervus “Kyrie” at your Masses or not-for-profit concerts until January 6, 2026!*

[* The Missa Sicut Cervus is under copyright. Before posting any performance of the Missa Sicut Cervus “Kyrie” online, please send the recording to us for approval. Physical distribution is prohibited at this time.]

***If you wish to perform the entire Missa Sicut Cervus by Mark Emerson Donnelly, please contact us at missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org.***

WHAT is the Missa “Sicut Cervus”?

The Missa Sicut Cervus is a parody Mass written by Mark Emerson Donnelly, based on Palestrina’s most popular motet, “Sicut Cervus.” It is a complete Mass setting containing 5 movements: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
You can learn about Mark’s inspiration and composition of this Mass in this short video from Motet Films.

***If you wish to perform the entire Missa Sicut Cervus by Mark Emerson Donnelly, please contact us at allanna@vocalart.org.***

WHO can participate?

This challenge is open to ANY mixed-voice ensemble with a standard to professional skill level, whether a parochial choir, cathedral choir, choral society, professional ensemble, anyone! Even an ad hoc ensemble formed just for this project is welcome.

With the Missa Sicut Cervus, Mark, a lifelong parochial musician, sought to compose a complete Mass setting which, like the motet itself, can be artistically satisfying to perform by both amateur and professional choirs.

WHEN is the submission deadline?

The deadline for submissions is April 14th. Any questions may be emailed to missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org!
This deadline is to facilitate releasing the album in time for Christmas 2025.


Why now? 2025 is the 500th anniversary of Palestrina’s birth! What better way to honor his legacy than to participate in continuing his musical tradition! Your choir will be not simply performing a piece by Palestrina, but a new, more expansive inspired by his exquisite motet!


If The Benedictines of Mary at Ephesus already recorded the complete Missa Sicut Cervus, what’s the big deal with this recording?

Great question! Mother Cecilia and the nuns at Gower did a superb job of recording the Missa Sicut Cervus. (I was there during the recording and have heard it sung there twice at Mass since then. If you ever get the chance to hear them sing it live, don’t pass it up!) But I had to extensively re-write the original SATB version for the nuns so it would fit an SSAA voicing. The Missa Sicut Cervus was conceived and composed for a mixed voice (SATB) choir, i.e. what you’re likely to have at most parishes and cathedrals. I think it’s important for people to hear it in its original and more common setting, whether for parish or diocesan feast days or for special occasions like weddings and liturgical conferences.

Where can I learn more about the Missa Sicut Cervus?

Watch the video by Motet Films From Motet to Mass: Missa Sicut Cervus by Mark Emerson Donnelly. You can also contact Mark with any questions. More video of Mark speaking about the Missa Sicut to come!

Will this really be the first full SATB recording of the Missa Sicut?

Yes! The “Kyrie” and “Gloria” were recorded by the SATB ensemble Offertorium (under the composer’s direction) in 2020. In 2022, Mark arranged the complete Mass for SSAA to be recorded by The Benedictines of Mary (Gower, MO). However, there has been no full SATB recording of the Missa Sicut Cervus to date.
Your vocal ensemble has the opportunity to make the first one!

Why record the “Kyrie”? Why not another movement of the Mass?

I feel the “Kyrie” offers enough variations of style and technical challenges for us to determine the blend and capabilities of an ensemble.

Can we contact the composer (Mark) while rehearsing the Kyrie?

Yes, by all means! I’m more than happy to answer any questions with regards to performance or other aspects of the “Kyrie,” or the Missa Sicut Cervus in general. Best to email or text me to set up a voice or video call. (mark@vocalart.org; 531-225-6620)

Is there are recording we can reference for the “Kyrie”?

Yes! Offertorium’s recording of the “Kyrie” from Feb. 1, 2020 —–>>https://youtu.be/VZwhXuiloDE

What kinds of choirs may submit recordings?

Any choir interested: parochial, diocesan, community, professional, ad hoc. (Did we miss anyone?)

Does the quality of the recording make a difference?

Yes and no. We would like you to make as good a recording as possible, but we are judging the choir’s performance, not the sound engineer’s ability. HOWEVER, we would not want the quality of your recording technique or equipment to limit our ability to properly evaluate your performance. 

Is there a fee for entering the “Missa Sicut Challenge”?

Yes. $99.00. This helps us cover administration and evaluation. If you have already purchased a Missa Sicut Cervus score license, however, the fee is waived!

NOTE: If you do not wish to enter the challenge, you can still request the “Kyrie” score and send us your recording. We’d love to hear how you did with the “Kyrie”!

How do we submit our recording?

When you are satisfied with your recording, send a link to missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org so we can download your high quality video or .mp3 (video preferred). ALL RECORDINGS SUBMITTED WILL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF MARK EMERSON DONNELLY.

Who will make the full recording?

The plan is to use an experienced and reputable recording service in the locale of the choir or choirs selected to record the Missa Sicut Cervus and the album’s accompanying motets and chants.

How will the recording be distributed?

Distribution will be arranged through Disc Makers or an equivalent service.

Who will own the rights to the recording?

Mark Emerson Donnelly will own the rights to the recording. Any revenue sharing between the recording artists and Mark will be worked out after one or more ensembles have been selected for consideration.

How long is the Missa Sicut Cervus?

About 20 minutes of music. Palestrina’s original double motet “Sicut Cervus/Sitivit Anima Mea” is about 6-7 minutes.

Will any other music be recorded along with the Missa Sicut Cervus?

Yes. The goal is to have 50-60 minutes of music on the album. As with the album The Holy Trinity at Ephesus, the Gregorian Chant propers of a particular feast will be included, which would be about 12-15 minutes. If you include the Sicut/Sitivit double motet (6-7 minutes), that leaves about 10-20 minutes of motets, other chants, and perhaps hymns and organums.

What is the criteria for judging?

Primarily, we will be listening for blend, tuning, and the overall musicality of the performance. Beyond that, we will consider the experience of the director and singers, as well as an interview between the director and the composer.

Who is judging?

The judging panel will comprise individuals with extensive experience performing and/or conducting Classical Roman Polyphony (as in the style of Palestrina) and Gregorian Chant.

What happens if there’s a “tie”?

If we have a difficulty choosing between two or more ensembles, we reserve the right to have a second round of submissions using one of the other movements of the Missa Sicut Cervus

Will you definitely pick one of the choirs who made a submission?

Another great question! No. If the judges feel that none of the submissions are of sufficient quality to warrant supporting a full recording by Mark and the ChantHacks Foundation, then we will explore other avenues outside of the “Missa Sicut Cervus Challenge” to produce the recording.

How can I spread the word about this challenge?

If you are on Mark’s mailing list, you received a flyer leading to these details on the challenge. You can share this page and the flyer, and if you would like to print the flyer to put up at your church or in your choir room, please do so!
PDF of the flyer
PNG of the flyer

What is the ChantHacks Foundation?

The ChantHacks Foundation is a newly-formed foundation to support Mark Emerson Donnelly’s work. We already have a great board, and we are excited to see what this enables us to accomplish.
The Missa Sicut Cervus recording project is a big project right off the top for us to fund. We appreciate any benefactors who wish to step forward and donate!

What if I have more questions?

You can contact Allanna (Mark’s assistant) at allanna@vocalart.org or missasicut@chanthacksfoundation.org. She’ll either answer your question, or forward it to Mark, if it requires his particular attention.